English Comedy Showcase
Go West ist der englischsprachige Standup-Comedy-Showcase (mit Lip Sync Battle) in der AHA! Eure Moderator*Innen Ben MacLean (Kanada) und Simone Hudson (Neuseeland) präsentieren einen lustigen Abend mit den besten Komiker*Innen der englischsprachigen Szene in Berlin! Spendenbasiert.
Schöneberg’s number-one (and longest-running) English comedy night takes the stage once a month at the fabulous AHA, with a hilarious Lip Sync Battle halftime show where you can win prizes. Your hosts Ben MacLean (Canada) and Simone Hudson (New Zealand) bring you a night of laughs starring the best comedians from Berlin's English comedy scene. Donations strongly encouraged.
Visit our Linktree to follow Go West Comedy and our amazing performers!
Our next shows
Mittwoch, 12. März 2025 21:00
Go West ist der englischsprachige Standup-Comedy-Showcase in der AHA! Eure Moderator*Innen Ben MacLean und Simone Hudson präsentieren einen lustigen Abend mit den besten Komiker*Innen der englischsprachigen Szene in Berlin!
Our Livestream archive
Due to the closures and restrictions to prevent the spread of Covid-19, we had to move our comedy show into the virtual world. Even though we are once more able to be together in the cozy atmosphere at the AHA, you can still watch some of our past shows any time on Youtube.
On your Youtube channel most of our livestreams are archived for later viewing. Please note that some of our livestreams may only be available for a short time or only while they are live on air.
9. Februar 2022
Go West Comedy
We're back for another showcase of incredible comedians at our charity venue with the friendliest vibes in town! Our fantastic comics for February's show are Konstantinos Natsis, Brendan Hickey and amazing headliner Anja Woot ... all presented by your host Simone Hudson, who's part New Zealander, part Swiss, and 100% fabulous!
12. Januar 2022
Go West Comedy
Let's start 2022 off right with a night of great comedy and friendly vibes! Our fantastic comics for January's show are Fay Walsh, Justin Small and amazing headliner Shawn Jay … all presented by your host Ben MacLean, who's celebrating 12 years of terrifying Berliners with his rural Canadian friendliness.
8. Dezember 2021
Go West Comedy
Will there be a lockdown? Won't there be a lockdown? Who knows! What we do know: on December 8, Go West will present another showcase of top-notch comedy talent in the heart of Schöneberg's Rote Insel!
Our fantastic comics for December's show are Fay Walsh, James Coon and your amazing headliner Jules Oakes – all presented by Ben MacLean, who we can safely say is the world’s only diplomat turned comedian turned flight attendant.
13. Oktober 2021
Go West Comedy
We're back with another awesome English comedy showcase in the heart of Schöneberg's Rote Insel! And starting this month you can hang out and meet other English speakers before the show at our super-friendly venue (where the drinks are dirt cheap)! Plus you can win prizes at Berlin's easiest half-time quiz! Our fantastic comics for October's show are Dave Adams, Tera Kilbride and your amazing headliner Amelia Jane Hunter ...all presented by Simone Hudson, one of Berlin's most likeable emcees, who brings together the best of New Zealand and Switzerland.
8. September 2021
Go West Comedy
Go West Comedy at AHA is back with our first English comedy showcase after the summer break! Not only do we bring you the city's best English standup comics, but we're known for our friendly vibes and our one-of-a-kind venue where every drink you buy goes to support one of Germany's oldest LGBTQIA+ charities. Plus you can win prizes at Berlin's easiest half-time quiz! Our fantastic comics for September's show are Lena Stolby, Tim Whelan & Liliana Velásquez … all presented by your host Ben MacLean.
14. April 2021
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #9
The warm weather has arrived but we're still stuck inside. Yikes! But we've got just what the doctor ordered: our monthly online comedy extravaganza! And this will be a blowout because it's likely our last show until the fall. Your friendly hosts for the night are Swiss/New Zealand lip sync superstar Simone Hudson and Berlin's number one bureaucrat turned comedian turned flight attendant, Ben MacLean! Joining us for this month's show are: David Hailey, Cameryn Moore, Philipp Schlüter & Ingrid Wenzel
10. März 2021
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #8
Toboganning and skating on the Spree might be fun but have you tried our monthly online comedy extravaganza? Join us for another night of foolishness to raise money for AHA and give you that mood boost you need to make it through the rest of the winter! Your friendly hosts for the night are Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean, calling in this time from exotic Neukölln and even more exotic Nova Scotia, Canada. Joining us for March's show are: Gauri B, Erin Crouch, Chris Doering, Tobias Hauser & Lena Stolby
10. Februar 2021
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #7
Let's celebrate surviving our first month of 2021 with another night of awesome comedy! Your super friendly hosts for the night are Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean, calling in this month from their exotic homelands of New Zealand and Canada. It's safe to say we're Berlin's most international online comedy show, and we promise you a night of good times and lots of laughs with our guest comedians Sticky Biscuits, Courtney June O'Connell, Justin Small & Moni Zhang.
13. Januar 2021
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #6
Let's say goodbye to the hellscape that was 2020 and kick off the new year with another Go West Comedy Online Edition! We've got an hour of awesome comedy, (incredibly easy) games with prizes just for tuning in, and all-round good times! Let's do this, people! Your hosts Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean are putting together a feel-good livestream starring none other than Carmen Chraim, Freddi Gralle, Konstantinos Natsis & Pavlo Voytovych.
9. Dezember 2020
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #5
So … Berlin's in another lockdown and it seems like the world has gone just a little bit crazy, but here's some good news for ya: Go West Comedy is back with another Online Edition! Get ready to see Berlin's best comics from the comfort of your own sofa! Your hosts Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean are putting together a one-hour livestream starring some of Berlin's top comedians. Featuring Francesco Kirchhoff, Nico Vasilevski, Fay Walsh & Grace Jung.
18. November 2020
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #4
So … Berlin's in another lockdown and it seems like the world has gone just a little bit crazy, but here's some good news for ya: Go West Comedy is back with another Online Edition! Your hosts Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean are putting together a one-hour livestream starring some of Berlin's top comedians, including Ori Halevy, Tera Kilbride & Daniel Stern.
9. September 2020
Go West Comedy Live & Online! - September 2020
Some comedy shows are back live on stage, some are streaming online, but Go West Comedy is doin’ both! Canadian host Ben MacLean presents a slightly different format: four of our favourite comics, Julieta, Tania Lacy, Philipp Schlüter & Joe von Hutch, will get you laughing plus Berlin’s New Zealand-born lip sync superstar, Simone Hudson, will bring you our mind-blowing half-time show!
12. August 2020
Go West Comedy Live & Online! - August 2020
Some comedy shows are back live on stage, some are streaming online, but Go West Comedy is doin’ both! We're back at the AHA for the first live show since February! Canadian host Ben MacLean presents a slightly different format: four of our favourite comics, Anna Beros, Ankur Midha, Kat Nip & Pavlo Voytovych, will get you laughing plus Berlin’s New Zealand-born lip sync superstar, Simone Hudson, will bring you our mind-blowing half-time show!
8. Juli 2020
Go West Comedy Online Edition #3
Sure, some comedy shows are back performing live on actual stages, but if you're the kind of person who'd rather watch the second wave arrive from the comfort of your own home, join us for the next Go West Comedy Online Edition! And we've got a special Pride lineup! Plus fun prizes for you viewers!
Your hosts Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean are putting together a one-hour live stream starring some of Berlin's top comics, including Annick Adelle, HP Loveshaft, Jake Vanderham & Anja Woot.
10. Juni 2020
Go West Comedy Online Edition! #2
We present four more of our favorite comics! All money raised goes to support our home, AHA, one of Germany's oldest LGBTQIA* community organizations! Your hosts Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean have put together a livestream starring Purdy Holsom, Ben Peacock, Lena Stolby and Joe von Hutch. Plus surprise performances by some A-list musicians who are so big, we can't mention them here! It'll be a great night of entertainment, with that laidback, inclusive Go West vibe that has made us Schöneberg’s longest-running English comedy night.
13. Mai 2020
Go West Comedy Online Edition!
Berlin might be in the middle of a cultural shutdown, but Go West Comedy is back with a special ONLINE show to get you laughing while we #stayathome! Your hosts Simone Hudson and Ben MacLean are putting together a one-hour live stream starring some of Berlin's top comics, including Julieta (Argentina), Rohit Bhatia (India), Tobias Hauser (Austria) and Liliana Velásquez (Colombia/USA).