YouTube show created by German Drag Queen Fatal Flash

The format of this project includes an interview with a guest in the studio and the guest’s participation in various segments of this program. The name of the program, »Conversation with a Gay Man,« was chosen because the guests give openly gay interviews. The guests on our program are very different people. Politicians, actors. Activists and ordinary citizens. The questions in this program deal with a wide variety of areas of LGBTI+ people's lives and more.

Tonight Fatal Flash will Talk with Michael Späth, Ansprechperson der Polizei Berlin für Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle, trans-, intergeschlechtliche und queere Menschen (LSBTIQ)

The conversation takes place in live communication. Those present from the audience will also be able to ask questions and talk with the Fatal Flash guest.

Spectators must pre-register for the event.
Register Form for Audience